About Me.

Blogger | Teacher | Public Speaker | Author 

Blogger: I love blogging. and yes, I'm a confessed serial blog starter. I even have a passion to help others start blogging. So if you are a man/woman of God, or a church, or ministry and require online presence, give me a shout. I will gladly assist you in setting up a blog better than mine.   

Teacher:  Although public speaking terrifies me, I believe I was called to teach and encourage the Body of Christ. Also terrifying me is soul winning. However it is an instruction and not a suggestion (see Matthew 28:19), so I try do it is much as possible too. 

Public Speaker: I'm not an eloquent speaker, and I don't spew scriptures top of the head. I do however have a testimony and have seen a few (actually a lot of)miracles in my personal life. I also have some strong personal revelations about life subjects which I do my best to prove using scripture.  So if you invite me to come talk to you, your family, or a group of people, I'll probably come.   

Author: Okay I'm not published yet. I've helped many men and women of God finish and publish books though. Furthermore, the Bible says: 
                   "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence           of things not seen." | Hebrews 11:1

So, I'll call myself an author until the day I publish a book. And if you pre-order any of my books, well I'll be encouraged to get them on the shelves sooner than later. 
